By Elias Nebula

Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Low Man on the Totem Pole." B/W "Stray Leaves From a Country Doctor's Desk." B/W "Cat Drug In."

I have a few stray feuilletons of notes going back months, maybe years, that have been sitting around to no useful end lo these many summers. These are they. In one of those seasonal impotent sweeps where I try to diminish the clutter in my life by throwing out a few bits of paper, I am committing these to the "online log" so I can throw away at least one envelope of hazy ideas.


Previously I have written about Dog's, ah, precarious relationship with the gentlemen of law enforcement. Here is a rather apposite testament to that –– fascinating documentary evidence of that strange symbiosis betwixt police and bounty-man.

Recorded from the TV:

"Okay listen here let Uncle Dog talk. Pipe down. Now you know what today is, right? Career day! So that you can decide right now at this age what you want to be when you grow up. Now listen, I met this guy one time, he came to me on Career Day and he said, 'Dog, what do you want to be when you grow up?' and I said, 'I want to be a police officer,' and he said, 'If you have a goal and you strive to be that, some day you will,' and here we stand... not police officers but on the same totem pole as ah police offices.... We're bounty hunters. Go ahead, son."

The cop at the Career Day promptly gave Dog the bum's rush. Dog stands there and gives him the thumbs up. Dog was kissing the cop's ass. He said, "Just tell your cop friends that the guys in black are the good guys." Sickly grin followed. Youngblood was seen smiling even more queasily.


Dog was duly and appropriately delicate with the LGBT community. "This is a very complex case because Kiki is a man and looks like a woman so 'she' has the strength of a man."
Leland was less diplomatic, forgetting to refer to the transgendered personage with the correct pronoun. Even so his message was a positive one of equality: "That means that if we we see him, we're, you know, we're gonna grab him and take him out just like we would anybody else."

At the end of the bust Dog was broad-minded and philosophical in his summary: "It's a different world today okay and we're all learning to accept things we don't understand. But... everybody's human and, again, the Lord looks on the heart. I learnt a lot about life today."


"That pitbull drug that tyre in the street. That's over, that says. A maniac dog, ain't it?"   DOG
They were being chased around by a single pitbull named "Pooch" who was tied to a tyre which he "drug" behind him. I never saw Beth move so fast. Leland was scared, doing high kicks to keep his heels away from the dog.

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