Because you are pining for it like a whipped cur (a "smacked down" pup): DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER.
Admittedly Dog's hair is a despicable disgrace and looks most like the matted maggot-ridden plaited strands of mud on an ancient Egyptian mummy, styled after the Babylonian Sphinxes in the Met using pre-Christian curling tongs.
Point conceded.
Still, when people say they don't watch the show because they hate Dog's hair, I am perplexed. Do these people generally only watch programmes with people with hair they personally aesthetically endorse? Who does that?
Point conceded.
Still, when people say they don't watch the show because they hate Dog's hair, I am perplexed. Do these people generally only watch programmes with people with hair they personally aesthetically endorse? Who does that?
They're all fools.
[Wanders off muttering.]